Call for Papers

LatinR2020 <- Latin American Conference about the Use of R in Research + Development

This 2020 LatinR keeps on wantering through the contintn. This year, the third edition of the confernece will take place in Montevideo, Uguruay October 7th through 9th 2020. Following previous schedules, it will consist of a first day for workshops and two days for the conference proper.

In this first announcement we outline topics of interest, presentation guidelines and important dates for proposal submission.

Topics of interest

Suggested topics for this edition are

  • Applications of R in academic and industrial disciplines. All fields of knowledge and their combinations are of interest (e.g., Data Science, Statistics, Informatics, Biological and Health Sciences, Bioinformatics, Geology, Atmospheric Sciences, Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, Economy, Data Journalism, etc…)
  • Applications of R together with other programming languages
  • R packages development
  • Innovative uses of existing R packages
  • Uses of R in education
  • Innovative initiatives in the reaching of R
  • Reproducible research using R
  • Big data and R
  • Machine learning and R
  • R visualization tools
  • Open data analysis with R
Presentation guidelines
Oral presentations

Communications about research results, progress reports, or specific developments that, because their originality or potential applications in the use or development of R in academia or industry, is of interest to the regional community of R users. Presenters will have 15 minutes + 5 minutes for Q&A.

Submissions must include a summary of no more than two pages including text, tables and figures. For the case of projects including Shiny applications or other interactive formats, they must also include the URL in which the application is available.

Posters/Lightning talks

Posters allow researchers and professionals to present and discuss their latest advances, ideas, ongoing research, and experiences or challenges related to the topics of interest of LatinR. Presenters should choose between poster format or a 5 minutes lightning talk.

Submissions must include a summary of no more than two pages including text, tables and figures.

Round tables

Round tables bring together researchers and professionals to present different viewpoints about a common topic. Proposals must consider one moderator and between 3 and 4 presenters.

The format will be as follows. First, a five minute introductory presentation by the moderator. Since LatinR gathers people from a great variety of disciplines, this introduction is meant to familiarise the audience with the particular topic of the round table. It should also explicitly state the connection of each presenter to the topic. Then, each presenter will have a maximum of 15 minutes. At the end, there will be 15 minutes for Q&A with the audience.

We are particularly interested in lineups that include presenters from diverse backgrounds (different institutions, countries, areas of research, gender, etc…) and show different methodologies and approaches to the subject.

Submissions must include:

  • a general description of the round table with 150 word limit.
  • a summary of each presentation with a one page limit including text, tables and figures.
Important dates

Abstract submission start: March 2nd 2020

Abstract submission deadline: May 30th 2020

Abstract acceptance notification: July 2020

Abstract final version submission and author registration deadlines: July 2020

LatinR 2020: October 7th through 9th 2020

Submission guidelines
  • The official languages of the conference are Spanish, Portuguese and English. Abstracts must be written in the same language of the oral presentation or poster.

  • Submissions must be sent in PDF format without author name or institution through the EasyChair platform following this link from March 2nd to April 30th.

  • Submissions must respect the oficla conference format. You can use the Word or LaTeX template, or use the latinr to ensure a correct submission.

  • The submission process will be handled through the EasyChair platform from March 2nd through April 20th.

  • Submissions must be send in PDF format withouth author or affiliation information through the EasyChair platform.

  • For round tables, presentation summaries must be included in the same file.

  • Each submission will be carefully evaluated by out Scientific Committee (announcement forthcoming) regarding their originality, contribution, technical qualities and clarity.


At least one author from each oral communication, poster or round table presentation must be registered for participating in the conference.

Presentations and posters from previous versions

In this repository you can find the titles of every presentation and posters from the 2018 edition and in this repository, all works from the 2019 version. Use it to get a feel for the themes and submissions accepted in previous editions.